Together, we’ll craft a clear plan that withstands the ever changing online landscape... to ensure you consistently attract fabulous customer... so you can experience a wildly fulfilling + profitable business (and life!)





are you

+ life ?

let me guess...



no more



making waves in the world

creatively expressing

proudly multi-passionate

consciously innovating

transforming wellness

disrupting the status quo

inspiring US INTO action

elevating the standards

wildly in demand

We help you confidently align, Adapt, thrive and stay relevant in our rapidly changing world.

Through Programs, Resources, And Mentoring... We'll Teach You How To Minimizing In Order To Maximize, Equip You With Relevant Tactics, And Methods To Define Your Brand And Offerings, And Empower You To Attract And Delight Your Community... Turning Them Into Raving Fans And Happy Customer

supporting brands who are

delivering complete guidance at the highest level... meeting you where you're at to help elevate you to the next level.

exclusive access for just a few... opening up shari's lists of industry contact, resources and sharing all her business and life success secrets.





$1250 USD

per month

mentoring with shari

one-on-one mentoring with shari

(minimum 3-month commitment )

90 minute one-one-one mentoring and strategy calls with shari

(3 times per month )

direct contact with shari via Text throughout the month


elevating your brilliance one session at a time

The Truth Is... You're Brighter Than You Think You Are And May Not Need My Help At All. There’s A Lot To Be Said For Pure Determination, The Willingness To Figure-It-Out And Learning Through Trial And Error... Which Are All Part Of The Process.

Although… if you’re like me… it just makes sense to shorten the learning curve and gain insights and support for your specific needs from a mentor. Especially when they help you Feel More Confident with each decision to move your business forward, Plus guiding you through specific needs which make your brand unique… (this one thing is priceless in the overwhelming world of business). 

You May Think, “How Can Someone Help Me When I Don’t Know Exactly What I Need?” That's The Benefit Of Having Someone With Insight And Experience... We Know... And Will Help You Gain Clarity And Confidence... Every Step Of The Way.

I Will Be The First To Admit... I Don't Have All The Answers. Even after decades in business, investing a crazy amount of time and money in coaches, training and all the stuff to run multiple businesses (some fails and a couple of big successes) I’m still learning. 

It's You That Causes Me To Stretch, To Dig Deeper, To Be More Creative, To Find Solutions To Your Needs, Or Help You Uncover Your Potential. It Starts With Collaboration… Brainstorming… And The Ambition To Take Conscious And Consistent Action.

Warning... I'm A Big Vision Thinker Who Spent Her Entire Life Thinking Outside The Box… A Rebel Of Sorts. Not Because, I Enjoy Breaking Rules, It’s Because I Ask Questions… Challenging The Status Quo. Thinking Outside The Box Is Where Innovative Ideas Are Born… Solutions Are Developed… Questions Are Answered… Lives Are Changed… And Anything Is Possible!!!

the truth is... you're brighter than you think you are and may not need my help at all. There’s a lot to be said for pure determination, the willingness to figure it out and learning through trial and error... which are all part of the process.

BUT, If You’re Anything Like Me… It Just Makes Sense To Partner With A Mentor Or Multiple Mentors. you realize There's Only So Much YouTube Videos + reading can do... Plus You're All About Shortening The Learning Curve... Especially If It Helps You To Feel More Confident In The Decision You Make In Your Business... And There Are So Many Decisions To Make And Things We Need To Know. 

You May Think, “How Can Someone Help Me When I Don’t Know Exactly What I Need?” That's The Benefit Of Having Someone With Insight And Experience... We Know... And Will Help You Gain Clarity And Confidence... Every Step Of The Way.

Warning... I'm A Big Vision Thinker Who Spent Her Entire Life Thinking Outside The Box… A Rebel Of Sorts. Not Because, I Enjoy Breaking Rules, It’s Because I Ask Questions… Challenging The Status Quo. Thinking Outside The Box Is Where Innovative Ideas Are Born… Solutions Are Developed… Questions Are Answered… Lives Are Changed… And Anything Is Possible!!!

I Will Be The First To Admit... I Don't Have All The Answers. It's You That Causes Me To Stretch, To Dig Deeper, To Be More Creative, To Find Solutions To Your Needs, Or Help You Uncover Your Potential. It Starts With Collaboration… Brainstorming… And The Ambition To Take Conscious And Consistent Action.

maybe you don't need me

schedule a consult